The Techblast

Dream Machine; Quality Sleep with Smart Aid

Imagine waking up tired and dull, and you have a long day ahead. Isn’t it exhausting? Or if you are one of those who don’t get enough quality sleep? If yes, then get the chill pill! Pillow cube presents the best helping aid to catch your desired sleep; it is the Dream Al Machine.

 According to the National Sleep Foundation, most adults require about seven to nine hours of peaceful sleep each night. Still, nearly 30 per cent of adults get less than six hours of sleep each night, and only about 30 per cent of high school students get at least eight hours of sleep on an average school night.

A Dream Come True With Dream A.I

We all know that sleep is a basic human need, but unfortunately, most people suffer from sleep-wake disorders, insomnia, parasomnias, etc. These deprivations and illnesses link to physical and mental health, daytime distress, depression, cognitive disorders, and impaired functioning.

Therefore, whether you are a student or a professional, a housewife or a child, a senior citizen or a youngster, getting enough sleep is necessary, and it varies from person to person. The Dream Machine is the ultimate modern solution to optimize your rest time and minimize the struggle to get to bed each night using artificial intelligence technology.

Connecting to WIFI

The world’s first AI-powered sleep machine’s Wi-Fi connectivity allows it to work with Smart devices and has a microphone light sensor and thermometer to monitor your room’s condition. It is given with all the necessary hardware to trigger your body’s natural sleep senses.

Adapting your Sleep Patterns

Folks! Cheer up. It is the only device that truly loves how much you sleep. Its software will learn your sleeping patterns and habits and update itself accordingly. Its intelligent sensors collect information and adjust your environment to suit your sleep. 

You will surely love sleeping with this competent partner.

Sound, Light, Temperature, and Scent; A luxurious Sleep

The great product by pillow cube will give you a royal sleep feel with its sound, light, temperature, and scent sensors. Night and daylight options and fragrances make it a luxury to enjoy. The built-in light understands the body’s melatonin production mechanism.No more restless nights now with the dream machine.

REM or NON-REM, It’s All Peaceful

Do you know that two types of sleep generally occur in three-to-five cycles per night? REM, when most dreaming occurs, and NON-REM, which consists of three phases, including the deepest sleep. Dream machine takes you to your dreaming zone faster and makes you stay there longer. Sweet dreams only! 

Its sensors never take you out abruptly from the deepest sleep stage, N3. 

Instead, it gradually and slowly wakes you up in the morning. Yes, just like your mother used to do! 

Aromas All the Time

Do you use night aromas or air fresheners before sleeping? If yes, this modern sleep aid is just for you, and if you don’t, you may be annoyed with the scented environment it creates. Generally, people love to fall asleep to the smell of Clary sage, jasmine, or lavender. And how about waking up to the refreshing, invigorating burst of citrus, fresh flowers, or sea breeze? How soothing, mesmerizing and lovely it sounds! 

Yes, It Creates Lovely Sounds Too

If you are tired of noisy environments, try Dream Machine for calming and soothing surroundings.

It will produce the best-suited voices for you, as it has an audio library of soothing sounds that help you mute the noise and drift off to sleep.

Go ahead and Get your Dreams

Not getting sufficient sleep or poor quality sleep has many potential consequences. The most prominent concerns are fatigue, low energy, irritability, and focus problems. A study showed that an estimated 35% of Americans report their sleep quality as “poor” or “only fair”; more than 50 million Americans also face chronic sleep disorders. Another study showed that about one-third of adults report some insomnia symptoms. Here comes the dream machine, a smart device to get your dreams back and make you more competent, wealthier, and attractive.

Now Go ahead and get your dream machine at worth $149 after a super early bird discount of 40% off and $169 after an early bird discount of 32% off. Visit to learn more about rewards and pledges.

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